Rebecca Bextel for Wyoming GOP Chair

After receiving the unconditional support of my husband, children, and many friends around the state, I announce my candidacy for the Chairmanship of the Wyoming Republican Party. I am blessed to have lived in Wyoming for over twenty years, and some of the highlights of my life have been fighting for conservative values around the state. As a small business owner, I know the value of Wyoming’s business-friendly environment and the benefits of not having a state income tax.
Too many ‘Republicans’ think the government has been created to solve your problems. I disagree. I believe with rights come responsibilities. Our platform is not a mere list of tenets, positions, or goals. Our platform represents the timeless truths given to us by God and affirmed in our Constitution.

I am one of the co-founders of the Save the Rodeo & Fairgrounds movement in Teton County because I want to protect our Western Heritage. I value honesty and integrity, which is why I was one of the first volunteers for Honor Wyoming.
I have knocked on doors, cooked meals, thrown fundraisers, held and participated in strategy sessions for candidates, attended GOP meetings and events, been a delegate at the state convention, and driven thousands of miles, visiting every county promoting Republican values throughout Wyoming. It brings me great joy each time I excite another citizen into donating or getting involved!
If elected, I promise to dedicate myself to getting highly qualified, platform candidates into office that will promote our cowboy values and protect our Wyoming way of life. I will work tirelessly for Wyoming Republicans and uphold the Wyoming Republican Platform. I support President Trump’s 20 Core Promises, which include energy independence and stopping the migrant invasion. I will bring energy, enthusiasm, love, sincerity, and donors to our GOP. I am dedicated to defending the Wyoming and US Constitution.
Thank you for your consideration.
Rebecca Bextel
(307) 699-3519
Donate through venmo @rebeccaforwyoming
Rebecca for Wyoming, PO Box 8601, Jackson, WY 83002