Rebecca Bextel for Wyoming GOP Chair

Rebecca Bextel for Wyoming GOP Chair

After receiving the unconditional support of my husband, children, and many friends around the state, I announce my candidacy for the Chairmanship of the Wyoming Republican Party. I am blessed to have lived in Wyoming for over twenty years, and some of the highlights of my life have been fighting for conservative values around the state. As a small business owner, I know the value of Wyoming’s business-friendly environment and the benefits of not having a state income tax.

Too many ‘Republicans’ think the government has been created to solve your problems. I disagree. I believe with rights come responsibilities. Our platform is not a mere list of tenets, positions, or goals. Our platform represents the timeless truths given to us by God and affirmed in our Constitution.

The Bextels are all in for President Trump!

I am one of the co-founders of the Save the Rodeo & Fairgrounds movement in Teton County because I want to protect our Western Heritage. I value honesty and integrity, which is why I was one of the first volunteers for Honor Wyoming.

I have knocked on doors, cooked meals, thrown fundraisers, held and participated in strategy sessions for candidates, attended GOP meetings and events, been a delegate at the state convention, and driven thousands of miles, visiting every county promoting Republican values throughout Wyoming. It brings me great joy each time I excite another citizen into donating or getting involved!

If elected, I promise to dedicate myself to getting highly qualified, platform candidates into office that will promote our cowboy values and protect our Wyoming way of life. I will work tirelessly for Wyoming Republicans and uphold the Wyoming Republican Platform. I support President Trump’s 20 Core Promises, which include energy independence and stopping the migrant invasion. I will bring energy, enthusiasm, love, sincerity, and donors to our GOP. I am dedicated to defending the Wyoming and US Constitution.

Thank you for your consideration.

Rebecca Bextel
(307) 699-3519

Donate through venmo @rebeccaforwyoming

Rebecca for Wyoming, PO Box 8601, Jackson, WY 83002

Thank you!